1.69 & 1.70 - Major Update: Flux LoRA, Multi-LoRA & ControlNet

Flux is on Scenario
  • Flux LoRA Training & Multi-LoRAs: Introducing support for training LoRA models on Flux, as well as multi-LoRAs (compositions).
  • Flux Live: Added real-time updates and dynamic interactions with the Flux Live feature
  • Export Models: You can now export your trained models. Check our documentation for more information on this article.
  • ControlNet Integration for Flux Models: Integrated ControlNet for Flux models (excluding Flux Pro). Check our documentation for more information on the new ControlNet modes.
  • Reworked Prompt Box: Refined the prompt box by removing tags and introducing an auto-sizing feature.
  • Fixed Opacity Issue on the “Mini Canvas“ (Sketching a reference image): Resolved an issue where opacity settings were not correctly applied.


  • Added “Flux” as a new filter in the model list
  • Dynamic thumbnail for skyboxes assets
  • Fixed a bug where the lora components would not load after a "use as reference"

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