Our Search feature has been rebuilt from the ground up to provide a faster and more intuitive experience. Whether you're managing a vast library of images or models, locating your desired assets is now a click away.
When searching, our system matches results based on:
✔️ Image Search Fields – prompt, tags, negative prompt, captions, seed, and name.
✔️ Model Search Fields – model name, tags, and caption words.
Now, finding the right asset is faster, smarter, and more intuitive than ever! 🚀 Learn More
We've given the Workspace Page a modern makeover! The updated design is cleaner and more intuitive, enhancing navigation and setting the foundation for upcoming features like multi-project management.
We’ve added new tutorial videos covering Pixelate, Texture Generation, and Expand functionalities. Find them in the top bar of your generation page for quick guidance!
The mini canvas now dynamically increases in size when in landscape mode, giving you more control when editing.
📌 Direct Image PinningLove an image? Pin it directly from the zoom view without extra steps! Keep your favorite assets easily accessible.
A new Period Filter has been added to the Dashboard, making it easier to analyze trends and track your creative progress over time.
✔️ Tooltips on Canvas Elements – Get instant explanations when selecting canvas tools, making navigation smoother.
Your input is invaluable! Join our Discord, follow us on LinkedIn, X, or send us your thoughts directly here. We’d love to hear how these updates improve your workflow!
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Thanks for being part of Scenario—happy creating! 🚀
- The Scenario Team